About Dipidiff & Partnerships

Selamat datang di blog Dipidiff.

Dipidiff. com adalah sebuah media edukasi yang menginspirasi melalui beragam topik pengembangan diri, rekomendasi buku-buku, dan gaya hidup yang bervibrasi positif.



Who is Dipi? 

Diana Fitri, biasa dipanggil Dipi, adalah seorang ibu yang gemar berkebun, dan rutin berolahraga. Gaya hidup sehat dan bervibrasi positif adalah dua hal yang selalu ia upayakan dalam keseharian. Sambil mengasuh putra satu-satunya, ia juga tetap produktif dan berusaha berkembang secara kognitif, sosial, mental dan spiritual.

Lulusan prodi Pemuliaan Tanaman Universitas Padjadjaran, Dipi lalu melanjutkan studi ke magister konsentrasi Pemasaran, namun pekerjaannya justru banyak berada di bidang edukasi, di antaranya guru di Sekolah Tunas Unggul, sekolah kandidat untuk International Baccalaureate (IB), dan kepala bagian Kemahasiswaan di Universitas Indonesia Membangun. Setelah resign tahun 2016, Dipi membangun personal brand Dipidiff hingga saat ini.

Sebagai Certified BNSP Public Speaker dan Certified BNSP Trainerserta certified IALC coach, Dipi diundang oleh berbagai komunitas dan Lembaga Pendidikan untuk berbagi topik membaca, menulis, mereviu buku, public speaking, dan pengembangan diri, misalnya di Kementrian Keuangan, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, BREED, Woman Urban Book Club, Lions Clubs, Bandung Independent School, The Lady Book Club, Buku Berjalan.id, SMAN 24 Bandung, SMAN 22 Bandung, dan lain-lain. Dipi juga pemateri rutin di platform edukasi www.cakap.com . Dipi meng-coaching-mentoring beberapa remaja dan dewasa di Growth Tracker Program, ini adalah program pribadi, yang membantu (terutama) remaja dan dewasa muda untuk menemukan passion dan mengeluarkan potensi mereka. 

Berstatus bookblogger, reviu-reviu buku yang ia tulis selalu menempati entry teratas di halaman pertama mesin pencari Google, menyajikan ulasan terbaik untuk ribuan pembaca setia. Saat ini Dipi adalah brand ambassador untuk Periplus Bandung dan berafiliasi dengan Periplus Indonesia di beberapa event literasi. Dipi juga menjadi Official Reviewer untuk Republika Penerbit dan berpartner resmi dengan MCL Publisher. Kolaborasi buku-bukunya, antara lain dengan One Peach Media, Hanum Salsabiela Rais Management, KPG, Penerbit Pop, Penerbit Renebook, dan Penerbit Serambi. Reviu buku Dipi bisa dijumpai di www.dipidiff.com maupun Instagram @dipidiffofficial. Dipi host di program buku di NBS Radio. Dulu sempat menikmati masa dimana menulis drop script acara Indonesia Kemarin di B Radio bersama penyiar kondang Sofia Rubianto (Nata Nadia). Podcast Dipi bisa diakses di Spotify DipidiffTalks.



Aktif menulis di blog sejak tahun 2010 namun bulan April 2017 blog terkena masalah dan semua data hilang, lalu domain berganti menjadi www.dipiwarawiri.com dan di tahun 2018 berganti lagi menjadi blog profesional dengan nama www.dipidiff.com.



Dipi menerima kerjasama berupa:

  • blog tour (buku)
  • content placement
  • content writer
  • job review
  • sponsored post
  • endorsement
  • ambassadorship
  • campaign
  • ghost writer, co-author
  • speaker
  • trainer
  • dan lain sebagainya.

Rate Card menyesuaikan jenis kerjasama dan kolaborasi. Informasi lebih lanjut terkait CV, Portofolio, dan Rate Card dapat melalui kontak direct message di Instagram @dipidiffofficial


Portofolio Kompetisi

Peserta favorit lomba review video buku Republika Penerbit 2017

Juara 1 Review Buku Kumpulan Budak Setan, diselenggarakan oleh Gramedia Pustaka Utama dan iJakarta 2016


Portofolio Kerjasama

# Speaker

  • Gimana sih Strategi Public Speaking dalam Me-review Buku untuk Bibliobattle? Kementrian Keuangan Library. 2023.
  • Book Investigation. Detective.id. 2023
  • The Maid & Sunday Times Bestseller Books, Worth to Buy or Not? Detective.id. 2023
  • Bincang Penulis Dimensi Langit Manusia. MCL Publisher. 2023.
  • Womanreads Special Sharing, Getting Along by Ami Gallo. Lady Book Club. 2023
  • Rekomendasi Buku. Urban Woman Club, 2023.
  • Bedah Buku Daring Greatly. BREED, 2023.
  • How to Be A Bookstagrammer, Bandung Independent School. 2023
  • Manifest. Periplus Bandung dan BREED, 2023.
  • Rekomendasi Buku. Zoe Library, 2023.
  • Bookstagram, Pekan Apresiasi Sastra di SMAN 22, Bandung. 2022
  • Bootopia Event, bersama Periplus, 2022.
  • Bedah Buku Bittersweet - Susan Cain, di Lady Book, 2022.
  • Webinar Memperpanjang Manfaat Buku Lewat Hobi, Bisnis, & Sosial, Buku Berjalan Id, 2022.
  • dll


# Trainer

  • Program Upskills, Cakap.com. 2022-2023
  • Kelas Bookstagram bersama AWI Official. 2023.
  • Teknik Membaca Cepat. Republika Penerbit. 2023.
  • Kelas Online Menulis #30DJ Season 5, diadakan oleh AWI Official, 2022.


# Host

  • The Book Insight The Crux, bersama Gatot Widyanto. 2023.
  • The Book Feature Damba, Lara, dan Cinta. Stefano Romano dan MCL Publisher, 2023.
  • The Book Insight Kelas CEO, bersama Anang Yunianto, 2023.
  • The Book Feature Pendidikan di Finlandia bersama Dr. Ratih Adiputri dan KPG. 2023
  • E-Lounge Event, held by Perspective Talks Community. 2022
  • The Book Feature Buku Suluh Rindu, bersama Habiburrahman El Shirazi, Republika Penerbit, 2022.
  • Official Partnership Hanum Rais Salsabiela Rais Management. 2022.
  • The Book Feature Buku Degan Septoadji bersama Akmal Nasery Basral, Degan Septoadji, dan Republika Penerbit.
  • The Book Feature Misi, bersama Asmayani Kusrini dan MCL Publisher, 2022.
  • The Book Feature Apa Yang Berkesan Hari Ini, bersama Kang Diday dan One Peach Media, 2022.
  • Seri Bincang Buku Flavors of Indonesia bersama William Wongso dan Iwan Kurniawan


# Jury

  • Kompetisi Menulis Cerita Sangat Pendek #1, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, 2021.
  • Kompetisi Menulis Cerita Sangat Pendek #2, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, 2022.


# Penyiar di NBS Radio nbsradio. id

# Ambassador Periplus Bandung (2021- saat ini)

# Kapalasar.id (2020-2021)

# Official Book Reviewer Periplus Bandung (2018-saat ini)

# Official Book Reviewer Periplus Bandung dan Yogya (2018)

# Host Blog Tour Buku Not If I See You First - Eric Lindstrom bersama Penerbit Spring dan beberapa host lainnya (2018)

# Host Blog Tour Buku Rumah Tanpa Jendela - Asma Nadia bersama Republika Penerbit dan beberapa host lainnya (2018)

# Host Blog Tour Buku Asrama - Muhammad Fatrim bersama Penerbit Haru dan beberapa host lainnya (2017) 




List of Dipidiff's Book Reviews 2023


  1. JJ. Goes to The Potty. Part of CoComelon (30 books). Tina Gallo. Simon Spotlight, 2023. 16 pages. *Children Book. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  2. Haruki Murakami, Manga Stories. Adapted by Jean-Christophe Deveney. Illustration by PMGL. Tuttle Publishing, 2023. *Manga, Sastra. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  3. Roald Dahl: 123: (A Counting Board Book). Author Roald Dahl. Illustrator Quentin Blake. Puffin, June 2018. Board book. 20 pages. *Children Book. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  4. Gecko's Complaint: A Balinese Folktale. Retold by Ann Martin Bowler. Illustrated by I Gusti Made Sukanada. Tuttle Publishing, May 2023. Hardcover, 32 pages. *Children Book, Fabel. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  5. 100 Ghost Stories to Die For Vol. 4. Anji Matono. *Manga Horror. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  6. Hey Duggee: Where's The Dragon? BBC Children's Books, June 2023. Boardbook. *Children Book. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  7. Fourth Wing (Book 1 of 2: The Empyrean). Rebecca Yarros. Piatkus, 2023. 500 pages. *Romance Fantasy, Epic Fantasy. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  8. Halina Filipina. Arnold Arre. Tuttle Publishing, Oct 2022. 224 pages. *Graphic Novel, Romance. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  9. Black Paradox. Junji Ito. VIZ Media, Nov 2022. 208 pages. *Manga Horror, Graphic Novel. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  10. King of Pride (Book 2 of 3: Kings of Sin). Anna Huang . Piatkus, May 2023. 368 pages. *Adult Romance, Contemporary Romance, Modern Romance. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  11. Baby Dinosaur, Under the Sea. Written by Laura Buller, Illustrated by Emily Emerson. DK, 2023. 17 pages. *Children Book, Boardbook. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  12. Peppa Pig: Peppa's Magic Castle: A lift-the-flap book. Part of: Peppa Pig (416 books). Ladybird, January 2023. *Children Book, Boardbook. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  13. The Quiet Tenant. Clémence Michallon. Knopf, June 2023. 320 pages. *Psychological Thriller, Womens Literary Fiction. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  14. Shiver: Selected Stories. Junji Ito. VIZ Media, 2017. 400 pages. *Manga Horror. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  15. The Only One Left. Riley Sager. Penguin Random House LLC, July 2023. 383 pages. *Ghotic Thriller, Ghotic Fiction, Women Sleuths. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  16. Chinese Folktales "The Dragon Slayer" and Other Timeless Tales. Shiho S. Nunes. Tuttle Publishing, 2022. 64 pages. *Children Book, Folktales. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  17. Bluey, Shadowlands. *Children Book. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  18. Self-Love for Small-Town Girls. Lang Leav. Andrew McMeel Publishing , June 2023. *Poetry. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  19. King of Wrath (Book 1 of 3: King of Sins). Ana Huang. Piatkus  , Nov 2022. 400 pages. *Adult Romance, Contemporary Romance, Modern Romance. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  20. Grannysaurus. David Williams (Author) & Adam Stower (Illustrator). HarperCollins Publisher, 2022. *Children Book. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  21. The Heart of God, Poems of Life Prayers of Love. Rabindranath Tagore. Tuttle Publishing, December 2022. *Poetry. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  22. The Maid. Nita Prose. Harper Collins Publisher, April 2023. 352 pages. *Murder Thriller. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  23. Laugh-Out-Loud Halloween Jokes: Lift-the-Flap (Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids). Rob Elliott. HarperCollins, 2019. 28 pages. *Children Book. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  24. Happy Place. Emily Henry . Viking , 1st edition, April 2023. 400 pages. *Contemporary Romance. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  25. Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow. Gabrielle Zevin. Vintage, 2022. 496 pages. *Literary Fiction. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  26. The Liminal Zone. Junji Ito. VIZ Media, 2021. *Manga Horror. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  27. Paw Patrol ABC Fun!  *Children Book. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  28. Greek Lessons: From the International Booker Prize-winning author of The Vegetarian. Han Kang. Hamish Hamilton, 1st edition, April 2023. 160 pages. *Psychological Fiction, Literary Fiction. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  29. Manga Yokai Stories: Ghostly Tales from Japan (Seven Manga Ghost Stories). Lafcadio Hearn, Sean Michael Wilson, Inko Ai Takita. Tuttle Publishing, Oct 2020. *Graphic Novel, Horror. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  30. Ninja Boy's Secret. Tina Schneider. Tuttle Publishing, August 2021. 32 pages. *Children Book. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  31. Balinese's Children Favorite Stories. *Children Book, Folktales. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  32. I Can Be Patient (Campbell Little Big Feelings, 6). Campbell Books; Main Market edition (27 May 2021). 10 pages. *Children Book. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  33. The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse: The Animated Story. Charlie Mackesy . Ebury Press  , 1st edition, Nov 2022. 192 pages. *Literary Graphic Novel. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  34. Demon Copperhead. Barbara Kingsolver. Harper, October 2022. 560 pages. *Coming of Age Fiction, Literary Fiction. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  35. Lady Murasaki's - Tale of Genji. Adapted by Sean Michael Wilson. Illustrated by Inko Ai Takita. Tuttle Publishing. 2022. 177 pages. *Graphic Novel, Japanese Literature, Classic Japanese. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  36. The Best of Junji Ito (Short Story Collection). Junji Ito. 272 pages. *Manga Horror. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  37. Three Assassins. Kotaro Isaka. Vintage, Feb 2023. *Suspense Thrillers, Action Fiction. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  38. Muros: Within Magical Walls: The Case of the Cemetery Girl. Paolo Chikiamco & Borg Sinaban. Tuttle Publishing, March 2023. *Supernatural Graphic Novel, Dystopian Graphic Novel. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  39. Marmalade, The Orange Panda. David Williams, Illustrated by Adam Stower. HarperCollins Children Book, 2022. 32 pages. *Children Book. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  40. Frankenstein: Junji Ito Story Collection. VIZ Media, Oct 2018. 408 pages. *Manga Horror. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  41. Convenience Store Woman. Sayaka Murata. Granta Publications Ltd , 2019. 176 pages. *Literary Fiction, Japanese Literary. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  42. Sadri Returns to Bali - Elisabeth Waldmeler. Published by Periplus Edition. *Children Book. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  43. Nimona. ND Stevenson. QuilTreeBk, Jun 2015. 272 pages. *Fantasy Manga, Science Fiction Manga. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  44. Parasyte 2, Collection 2 Full Color. Hitoshi Iwaaki. Kodansha Publishing, 2023. *Manga Horror Action. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  45. Be Very Afraid of Kanako Inuki!. *Manga Horror. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  46. The Unhoneymooners - Christina Lauren. Gallery Books, 2019. 400 pages. *Contemporary Romance. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  47. Earthlings. Sayaka Murata . Granta Books , 2021. 256 pages. *Literary Fiction, Japanese Literary. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  48. After Lambana: Myth and Magic in Manila. Eliza Victoria. Tuttle Publishing, 2022. 192 pages. * Graphic Novel, Horror Graphic Novel, Magic Fantasy. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  49. The Boy at The Back of The Class. Onjali Q Rauf. Orion Children's Book, 2018. * Middle Grade. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  50. The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida: Winner of the Booker Prize 2022. Shehan Karunatilaka. Sort of Books; Main edition (4 Aug. 2022). 368 pages. * Literary Fiction, War story Fiction. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  51. The Angry Monk and The Fly; A Tale of Mindfulness for Children. Tina Schneider. Tuttle Publishing, December 2022. *Children Book. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial.
  52. Loathe to Love You. Ali Hazelwood. Berkley Romance, 2023. 370 pages. *Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  53. Look Back. Tatsuki Fujimoto . VIZ Media, 1st edition, October 2022. 144 pages. *Manga Books. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  54. Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982. Coo Nam-Joo, translated by Jamie Chang. Scribner UK, 1st Edition, 2021. 176 pages. *Biographical Fiction, Woman's Literary Fiction. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  55. Anna's Kokeshi Dolls; A Children Story Told in English and Japanese. Tracy Gallup. Tuttle. HC, 34 pages. *Children Book. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  56. Self Love Poetry, For Thinkers & Feelers. Melody Godfred. Andrews McMeel, 2021. 201 pages. *Poetry. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  57. Fragments of Horror Volume 1. Junji Ito. VIZ LLC, 1st Edition, July 2015. 224 pages.*Horror Graphic Novel. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  58. Creepy Carrots! (Creepy Tales!). Aaron Reynolds and Peter Brown. Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, Illustrated Edition, August 2012). 40 pages. *Children's Halloween Books, Children's Rabbit Books, Children's Humor. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  59. New Kid. Jerry Craft. QuilTreeBK, Feb 2019. 256 pages. *Children Fiction On Maturing, Middle grade book. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  60. Parasyte Full Color Collection 1. Hitoshi Iwaaki. Kodansha USA Publishing, November 2022. 288 pages. * Science fiction horror. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial.
  61. Girl, Forgotten. Karin Slaughter. Harper Collins, October 2022. 400 pages. *Woman Sleuth, Psychological fiction. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial


Non Fiction

  1. The Karma of Success: Spiritual Strategies to Free Your Inner Genius. Liz Tran. Rider, July 2023. 256 pages. *Management Skills, Business Life, Mentoring Skills. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  2. Busy Day: Police Officer: An action play book. Dan Green. Ladybird, April 2023. Board book, 12 pages. *Children Book. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  3. From Strength to Strength. Arthur C. Brooks. Green Tree, March 2023. 272 pages. *Aging, Scientific Psychology. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  4. Win Every Argument. Mehdi Hasan. McMillan Business, Februari 2023. 336 pages. *Business Communication Skills, Debates Skills. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  5. Daring to Take Up Space. Daniell Koepke. Thought Catalog Books, 2019. 96 pages. *Poetry, Health Recovery. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  6. Advice from A Blob. Lennnie. HarperCollins, April 2023. HC, 144 pages. Graphic Novel, Self-Help. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  7. How to Deal with Angry People. Dr. Ryan Martin. Watkins Publishing, May 2023. 224 pages. *Popular Psychology, Anger Management. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  8. The Crux: How Leaders Become Strategists. Richard P. Rumelt. Profile Books, April 2022. HC, 368 pages. *Leadership.  Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  9. Burnout, The Secret of Unlocking The Stress Cycle. Emily Nagoski PhD, Amelia Nagoski DMA. Random House Publishing Group, 2020. 304 pages. *Stress Management Self Help. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  10. Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals. Oliver Burkeman. Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, August 2021. 288 pages. Personal Time Management. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  11. Life in Five Senses. Gretchen Rubin. Crown Publishing, 2023. 234 pages. *Personal Transformation Self Help. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  12. Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence. Dr. Anna Lembke. Dutton, January 2023. 304 pages. *Medical Clinical Psychology. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  13. Tokyo Rose - Zero Hour. Story by Andre Frattino, Illustrated by Kate Kasenow. Tuttle Publishing. *Woman in History. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  14. Dinosaur Maze (Maze Book). Sam Smith. Usborne Publishing, 2021. 64 pages. *Children Book, Activity Book. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  15. My Small Space: Starting Out in Style. Anna Ottum. Clarkson Potter, June 2019. 128 pages. *Interior Design, Home Decorating. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  16. Sensitive: The Hidden Power of the Highly Sensitive Person in a Loud, Fast, Too-Much World. Jenn Granneman , Andre Sólo. Penguin Random House UK. *Popular Psychology Personality Study. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  17. 8 Rules of Love. Jay Shetty. 2023. *Love and Marriage, Self Help. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  18. The Sleep Fix: Practical, Proven, and Surprising Solutions for Insomnia, Snoring, Shift Work, and More. Diane Macedo. William Morrow, Dec 2021. 384 pages. *Sleep Disorders, Self Help. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  19. The World's Most Iconic Photograph. 2022. *Photography. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  20. Closer to Love: How to Attract the Right Relationships and Deepen Your Connections. Vex King. Bluebird, 1st edition, February 2023. 363 pages. *Personal Transformation Self Help. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  21. Getting Along, How to Work with Anyone. Amy Gallo. Harvard Business Review Press, 2022. *Communication Skills, Business Conflict Resolution. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  22. From Darkness into Light. A Helwa. Naulit Publishing House, 2022. *Islam. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  23. Tapping In, Manifest the Life You Want with The Transformative Power of Tapping. Poppy Delbridge. Piatkus, 2023. *Energy Healing, Mental Spiritual Healing. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  24. Speak Easy, Connect With Every Conversation. Lou Diamond. Page Two, September 2022. *Communication and Social Skills. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  25. The Anger Toolkit: Quick Tools to Manage Intense Emotions and Keep Your Cool. Peter D. Rogers and 2 more. New Harbinger , Feb 2023. 128 pages. *Anger Management Self Help. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  26. The Nine Types of Leader: How the Leaders of Tomorrow Can Learn from The Leaders of Today. James Ashton. Kogan Page , 1st Edition, January 2021. 288 pages. *Leadership. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  27. Manifest Dive Deeper. Roxie Nafousi. Penguin Random House UK, 2023. 232 pages. *Self Help, Personal Transformation Self Help. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  28. Novelist as a Vocation. Haruki Murakami. Knopf, November 2022. 224 pages. * Fiction Writing References, Memoirs. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  29. CEO Secrets. Dougal Shaw. Bloomsbury Business, 2022. *Leadership Books, CEO Books. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial.
  30. Don't Quit Your Day Job: The 6 Mindshifts You Need to Rise and Thrive at Work. Aliza Knox & Wendy Paris. Wiley, 1st edition, 2022. 208 pages. *Professional Development, Business Life. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial.
  31. Getting Along. Amy Gallo. Harvard Business Review Press, 2022. 304 pages. *Relationship, Business Conflict Resolution & Meditation, Human Resources & Personnel Management, Communication Skills. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial.
  32. The Green Indoors: Finding the Right Plants for Your Home Environment. Maddie Bailey & Alice Bailey. Hardie Grant UK, Juni 2021. 160 pages. *Gardening. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial.
  33. Raising Boys in The 21st Century : Completely Updated and Revised. Steve Biddulp. Harper Non Fiction, 2018. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial.



Buku Indonesia

  1. POV, Seni Meraih Sukses dengan Mengubah Sudut Pandang. Diday Tea. MCL Publisher, Agustus 2023. 142 halaman. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  2. Mimpi Kecil Tita. Desi Puspitasari. Republika Penerbit. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  3. Cerita Rakyat Lampung: Legenda Lubuk Sendawali. K. Usman. Penerbit Bee Media Pustaka, 2020. 126 pages. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  4. Pudarnya Pesona Cleopatra. Habiburrahman El Shirazy. Republika Penerbit, 2005. 109 halaman. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  5. Saat Kita Jatuh Cinta. Aiu Ahra. Republika Penerbit, 2019. 297 halaman. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  6. Ferdinand Belajar Tentang Dunia. Sebuah Masa Kecil di Jawa, Sebuah Buku Anak-Anak untuk Siapa Saja. Marina Brückner - Supriyono. Tonggak Media, Edisi Pertama, Desember 2022. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  7. Pippi Gadis Kecil dari Tepi Rel Kereta Api. Helvy Tiana Rosa (penulis) & Muyassaroh (ilustrator). Alif Republika, imprint Republika Penerbit, Oktober 2022. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  8. Siri. Asmayani Kusrini. MCL Publisher. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  9. Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika. Hanum Salsabiela Rais  dan Rangga Almahendra . Republika Penerbit, Cetakan I, April 2023. 450 halaman. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  10. Helium Mengelilingi Kita. Qomichi. MCL Publisher, Maret 2023. 246 halaman. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  11. Love is The Answer. Arvan Pradiansyah. 2023. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  12. Sang Cipta Rasa. Fahd Pahdepie. Republika Penerbit. 2023. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  13. Bara Dalam Sekar. Zaki Jaihutan. Novel Horor. MCL Publisher, Maret 2023. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  14. Mulai Dari Nol: Catatan Untuk Para Pejuang Mimpi. Saiful Falah. Republika Penerbit, 2022. 159 pages. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  15. 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa. Hanum Salsabiela Rais & Rangga Almahendra. Republika Penerbit. 2023.  Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  16. Damba Lara Cinta. Stefano Romano. MCL Publisher, 2023. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial




  1. Esther Bunny, Jangan Sampai Kau Kehilangan Dirimu. Esther Kim . Penerbit Pop, cetakan pertama, Maret 2023. 233 halaman. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  2. The Smartest Kids in The World. Renebook. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial
  3. The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read. Philippa Perry. Terjemahan Renebook, Oktober 2022. 392 halaman. Baca Review di: Instagram @dipidiffofficial



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Review Buku The Quiet Tenant - Clémence …

23-08-2023 Dipidiff - avatar Dipidiff

  National Best Seller One of The Most Anticipated Novels of 2023 GMA Buzz Pick A LibraryReads #1 Pick One of The Washington Post’s Notable Summer Books 2023One of Vogue’s Best Books of 2023One of Goodreads’s Most Anticipated Books...

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Review Buku The Only One Left - Riley Sa…

23-07-2023 Dipidiff - avatar Dipidiff

    Editor's Pick Best Mystery, Thriller & Suspense The Instant New York Times Bestseller Named a summer book to watch by The Washington Post, Boston Globe, USA Today, Oprah, Paste, Country Living, Good Housekeeping, and Nerd Daily Judul...

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Review Buku Helium Mengelilingi Kita - Q…

14-06-2023 Dipidiff - avatar Dipidiff

  Judul : Helium Mengelilingi Kita Penulis : Qomichi Jenis Buku : Sastra Fiksi, Coming of Age Penerbit : MCL Publisher Tahun Terbit : Maret 2023 Jumlah Halaman :  246 halaman Dimensi Buku : 14 x 20,5...

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Review Buku Earthlings - Sayaka Murata

14-02-2023 Dipidiff - avatar Dipidiff

A New York Times Book Review Editors' ChoiceNamed a Best Book of the Year by the New York Times, TIME and Literary HubNamed a Most Anticipated Book by the New York Times, TIME, USA Today, Entertainment Weekly, the Guardian, Vulture, Wired, Literary Hub, Bustle, PopSugar, and Refinery29   Judul...

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Toleransi Kopi Jatinangor (a Story)

24-01-2025 Dipidiff - avatar Dipidiff

  Sejauh ini Toleransi Kopi menurut saya adalah tempat nongkrong ngopi paling memadai di area Jatinangor, daerah kampus terutamanya. Lokasi cafenya luas mencapai 5 area, outdoor indoor, smoking non smoking. Mereka...

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Ganesha Park Bandung (a Story)

02-12-2024 Dipidiff - avatar Dipidiff

    Meskipun sebagai warga Bandung, saya sudah sering melintas di depan kampus ITB Taman Sari, dan familiar dengan kata "Ganesha", tapi tetap saja saya tidak tahu persis dimana Taman Ganesha itu...

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Jardin Cafe Bandung (a Story)

20-10-2024 Dipidiff - avatar Dipidiff

  Dulu, sebelum pandemi covid melanda, saya pernah ke cafe Jardin dengan sahabat saya, Bu Dini. Itu sudah bertahun-tahun yang lalu, ternyata Jardin di masa kini tidak banyak berubah. Yang berubah adalah...

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Tomoro Coffee (a Story)

11-09-2024 Dipidiff - avatar Dipidiff

  Bandung sudah mulai masuk musim penghujan, setidaknya begitulah kelihatannya, karena dua hari ini hujan turun menjelang sore atau malam hari. Cuaca juga cenderung mendung dan syahdu. Cocok untuk ngopi di...

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Woodyland Eatery Bandung (a Story)

23-07-2024 Dipidiff - avatar Dipidiff

    Tak terasa Juli 2024 tiba. Saya masih ingat begitu susahnya mengatur jadwal untuk sekadar ngopi di cafe atau resto bersama teman. Agenda yang satu ini memang salah satu yang paling...

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Cara Manifestasi Kehidupan

03-11-2024 Dipidiff - avatar Dipidiff

Updated 4 November 2024     I think human beings must have faith or must look for faith, otherwise our life is empty, empty. To live and not to know why the cranes...

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10 Tips Mengatasi Kesepian

05-12-2021 Dipidiff - avatar Dipidiff

  Apakah kamu akhir-akhir ini merasa kesepian? Rasa sepi ini ga cuma hadir saat sendiri, tapi juga di tengah keramaian, atau bahkan saat bersama orang-orang terdekat. Ada sebuah rasa hampa yang...

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Tentang Caranya Mengelola Waktu

11-08-2021 Jeffrey Pratama - avatar Jeffrey Pratama

  “Seandainya masih ada waktu...” Berani taruhan, diantara kita, pasti pernah berkomentar seperti di atas, atau yang mirip-mirip, minimal sekali seumur hidup. Waktu merupakan satu-satunya sumber daya yang tidak dapat diproduksi ulang. Apa...

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Cara Membuat Perpustakaan Pribadi di Rum…

25-09-2020 Dipidiff - avatar Dipidiff

  Perpustakaan sendiri punya kenangan yang mendalam di benak saya. Saya yakin teman-teman juga punya memori tersendiri ya tentang library. Baca juga "Arti Perpustakaan Bagi Para Pecinta Buku" Baca juga "Perpustakaan Luar...

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