Review Buku Omoiyari - Erin Niimi Longhurst
Judul : Omoiyari
The Japanese Art of Compassion
Penulis : Erin Niimi Longhurst
Ilustrator: Ryo Takemasa
Jenis Buku : Self Improvement - Phylosophy
Penerbit : HarperCollins Publishers
Tahun Terbit : Juli 2020
Jumlah Halaman : 224 halaman
Dimensi Buku : 13.50 x 18.10 x 2.50 cm
Harga : Rp. 185.000*harga sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah
ISBN : 9780008407629
Edisi Bahasa Inggris
Available at PERIPLUS BANDUNG Bookstore (ig @Periplus_setiabudhi, @Periplus_husein1 , @Periplus_husein2)
Sekelumit Tentang Isi
‘Omoiyari adalah bentuk welas asih tanpa pamrih - menempatkan diri pada posisi orang lain, mengantisipasi kebutuhan orang lain, bertindak dengan cara yang bisa membuat orang lain merasa nyaman atau bahagia. '
Dengan mempelajari dan mempraktikkan omoiyari, kegembiraan dan kebahagiaan hadir tidak hanya di kehidupan orang lain, tapi juga kehidupan kita sendiri.
Buku Omoiyari akan menjelaskan budaya dan filosofi omoiyari masyarakat Jepang yang menjunjung karakter kasih sayang, kebaikan, kepedulian dan empati pada sesama, bahkan alam semesta. Dari Omotenashi (keramahan Jepang), Kirei (kebersihan dan pengorganisasian) dan Mottainai (mengurangi limbah) hingga Zakka (menemukan keindahan di duniawi) dan Senbazuru (seni origami melipat seribu bangau kertas), ada begitu banyak cara orang Jepang menekankan pentingnya komunitas dan membantu orang lain.
Yuk kita intip isi bukunya:
Mottainai (Avoiding Waste)
Kirei (Cleanliness and Organisation)
Teinei (Polite Conscientiousness)
Zakka (The Beauty of Miscellaneous Things)
Wa (Harmony)
Omotenashi (The Art of Selfless Hospitality)
Onkoschishin (Learning from the Past)
Senbazuru (One Thousand Paper Cranes)
Omakase (To Entrust)
About The Author
Seputar Fisik Buku dan Disainnya
Kalau ditanya apa yang paling saya sukai dari fisik buku ini, saya akan jawab kombinasi warna sampulnya. Pastel banget, kesannya lembut, dan memang buat perempuan sepertinya mayoritas bakal suka. Buku ini juga dicetak hardcover yang bukan sampul lepas. Kertasnya art paper, dan full color. Beautiful.
Yang menarik dan atau disuka dari Buku ini
Omoyari, I want to think more about the art of compassion – how we can bring joy into our own lives by bringing about happiness in the lives of others.
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During the 2018 World Cup, after a surprise victory against Colombia, Japanese football fans dominated headlines for reasons other than their country's stella performance on the pitch: following a historic win (and an excelent excuse to celebrate, if ever there was one), they meticulously cleared up the stadium, collecting litter as a sign of respect for their surroundings as guests.
For those who have been to Japan, stories like this might seem familiar. I've been lucky enough to hear many of them – examples of the spirit of omoiyari, the feelings of empathy and compassion that fuel the actions that people take for others. It's demonstrated most clearly in the art of Japanese hospitality, but through various other practices and traditions, too.
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The joy that comes from mastering a craft is something I learned from my Jiji, my Japanese grandfather. A shrewd businessman, and also a temple elder, he devoted a lot of his time to painting, cooking and other hobbies and mindful practices, despite a hectic work schedule, the demands of running a large business, as well as an active family life. They helped him to clear his mind an be creative in his thinking in other areas of his life. My aunt Taeko took up tea ceremony (chado) as a way to carve out time to pursue something that was outside the constrais of her job or family life – something that allowed her to connect with nature and her environment, and to appreciate specific moment of the year of the changing of the seasons. Growing up with these examples of ways in which to connect with ourselves has been invaluable to me. I find it particularly through cooking mindfully – nothing gives me greater clarity, comfort or joy than putting together all the parts of a meal. It's my way of showing affection to myself.
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The Teinei Art of Gift-giving
If you have Japanese friends, you might notice that gift-giving is something that is highly valued among them. Even if it's not your birthday, you might except to get gifts on specific occasions. Some of these might be.
Omiyage - a gift or souvenir that you give to friends, co-workers and family when you've come back from a trip.
Ochugen – a mid-year present, usually given between 1 and 15 July, to people you might be indebted to. These might include relatives, your doctor or physician, teachers, clients or your employers.
Oseibo – the gift you might give to those you are indebted to at the end of the year, usually from early to mid-December.
Presenting gifts
Presentation is the key, and wrapping your gifts in a beautiful, teinei way can take time. One way to wrap gifts, without being wasteful (or mottainai) is through the use of fabrics – tenugui or furoshiki.
A tenugui is a thin cotton hand towel, often given as a gift. About 35x90 cm in size, it in plainly woven, but almost always adorned with a pattern of some kind. The multipurpose tenugui can be used as a washcloth or dishcloth, but is also a popular souvenir from Japan and can be used as decoration or as a headband or sweatband.
Another way to use tenugui is to gift wrap bottles, it's a great way to deck out a bottle of wine (or champagne, or sake – whatever takes your fancy)....
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How to wrap a bottle
1 Lay your tenugui down on a surface, fold it in half and fold it in half again, so you have a faint outline of four rectangles where the folds are precise and even. Unfold the tenugui and lay it down flat.
2 Place your bottle down horizontally, so that the bottom of the bottle is at the centre of the tenugui – ideally, on the botton right-hand side.
3 Lit the tenugui fabric on the side that is closest to you and roll it around the bottle. The fabric should envelop the bottle, so it looks like you have a large pipe or a sausage.
4 Making sure that the edge of the cloth is on the top of the bottle, take the fabric that is on the side nearest the mouth, and twist it around.
5 Take the fabric on the other side of the bottle (near the bottom) and lay it over the bottle. Take both ends and secure them by lying around the nect of the bottle to create a little bow – like a bowtie.
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The Story of Sadako Sasaki
The practice of senbazuru is often spoken of in relation to one person in particular – a young girl named Sadako Sasaki. At two years old, Sadako became a hibakusha – a person affected by the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. While Sadako survived the bombing, she was severely irradiated, and died at the age of twelve from leukaemia caused by the after-effect.
Before she died, Sadako set herself the task of folding a thousand paper cranes. As paper was is short supply at the time, she made use of scrap paper – anything she could get her hands on in the hospital in an attempt to complete her objective. Some versions of the tale say she didnt make her final goal, and that her friends and family contributed to it after her death, while others say she both met and surpassed it. Either way, she became a symbol of optimism and resilience in the face of adversity. Her story became synonymous with the innocent victims of war, and her pursuit of senbazuru brought a message of hope and peace.
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Omotenashi differs from customer service in the sense that it isn't based on a hierarchy – it is not about doing something because it's part of a job. Omotenashi has roots in chado tea ceremony and, as a result, is more about respect and harmony than serving another person. Ichi-go ichi-e – a phrase also associated with tea cermony – describes the fleeting and transient nature of an instant. It highlights the need to cherish each moment, as if it were the only one you will experience in your lifetime. The lesson to be learned here? Treat everyone, and every moment, like it is something precious and important, because it can't be repeated.
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Siapa Erin Nilmi Longhurst
Erin Niimi Longhurst adalah seorang penulis keturunan Jepang dan Inggris yang menulis buku Japonisme, Ikigai, Forest Bathing, Wabi-sabi dan banyak lagi. Ia juga direktur di agensi digital, yang pekerjaannya membantu organisasi utuk bisa menyampaikan cerita secara online dengan lebih efektif. Erin Niimi Longhurst memiliki gelar dalam Antropologi Sosial dari Universitas Manchester, dan saat ini membagi waktunya antara London dan New York. Karya Erin Niimi Longhurst telah ditampilkan di BBC, Vogue, Stylistm El Mundo, Elle Vietnam dan
Sumber : Buku Omoiyari dan erinniimilonghurst. com
Buku ini saya rekomendasikan kepada pembaca yang ingin mengetahui apa itu omoyari, atau mereka yang ingin membaca buku tenang belas kasih dan kebaikan pada sesama (juga alam semesta), dan pembaca yang ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang budaya serta filosofi welas asih masyarakat Jepang yang merupakan kunci kebahagiaan dalam hidup. Buku ini to the point, banyak gambar penyerta, banyak istilah dalam bahasa Jepang, dan mengangkat budaya negara tersebut dengan ringkas tapi terasa detail.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- adalah sebuah media edukasi yang menginspirasi melalui beragam topik pengembangan diri, rekomendasi buku-buku, dan gaya hidup yang bervibrasi positif.
Diana Fitri, biasa dipanggil Dipi, adalah seorang ibu yang gemar berkebun, dan rutin berolahraga. Gaya hidup sehat dan bervibrasi positif adalah dua hal yang selalu ia upayakan dalam keseharian. Sambil mengasuh putra satu-satunya, ia juga tetap produktif dan berusaha berkembang secara kognitif, sosial, mental dan spiritual.
Lulusan prodi Pemuliaan Tanaman Universitas Padjadjaran, Dipi lalu melanjutkan studi ke magister konsentrasi Pemasaran, namun pekerjaannya justru banyak berada di bidang edukasi, di antaranya guru di Sekolah Tunas Unggul, sekolah kandidat untuk International Baccalaureate (IB), dan kepala bagian Kemahasiswaan di Universitas Indonesia Membangun. Setelah resign tahun 2016, Dipi membangun personal brand Dipidiff hingga saat ini.
Sebagai Certified BNSP Public Speaker dan Certified BNSP Trainer, serta certified IALC coach, Dipi diundang oleh berbagai komunitas dan Lembaga Pendidikan untuk berbagi topik membaca, menulis, mereviu buku, public speaking, dan pengembangan diri, misalnya di Kementrian Keuangan, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, BREED, Woman Urban Book Club, Lions Clubs, Bandung Independent School, The Lady Book Club, Buku, SMAN 24 Bandung, SMAN 22 Bandung, dan lain-lain. Dipi juga pemateri rutin di platform edukasi . Dipi meng-coaching-mentoring beberapa remaja dan dewasa di Growth Tracker Program, ini adalah program pribadi, yang membantu (terutama) remaja dan dewasa muda untuk menemukan passion dan mengeluarkan potensi mereka.
Berstatus bookblogger, reviu-reviu buku yang ia tulis selalu menempati entry teratas di halaman pertama mesin pencari Google, menyajikan ulasan terbaik untuk ribuan pembaca setia. Saat ini Dipi adalah brand ambassador untuk Periplus Bandung dan berafiliasi dengan Periplus Indonesia di beberapa event literasi. Dipi juga menjadi Official Reviewer untuk Republika Penerbit dan berpartner resmi dengan MCL Publisher. Kolaborasi buku-bukunya, antara lain dengan One Peach Media, Hanum Salsabiela Rais Management, KPG, Penerbit Pop, Penerbit Renebook, dan Penerbit Serambi. Reviu buku Dipi bisa dijumpai di maupun Instagram @dipidiffofficial. Dipi host di program buku di NBS Radio. Dulu sempat menikmati masa dimana menulis drop script acara Indonesia Kemarin di B Radio bersama penyiar kondang Sofia Rubianto (Nata Nadia). Podcast Dipi bisa diakses di Spotify DipidiffTalks.
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