Review Buku Think Like a Monk - Jay Shetty
#14 on Amazon Chart this Weeks
Judul : Think Like a Monk
Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every Day
Penulis : Jay Shetty
Jenis Buku : Self Help
Penerbit : HarperCollins Publisher
Tahun Terbit : 2020
Jumlah Halaman : 352 halaman
Dimensi Buku : 23.40 x 15.30 cm
Harga : Rp. 265.000 *harga sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah
ISBN : 9780008355562
Edisi Bahasa Inggris
Available at PERIPLUS BANDUNG Bookstore (ig @Periplus_setiabudhi, @Periplus_husein1 , @Periplus_husein2)
Sekelumit Tentang Isi
Di usia 18 tahun, Jay Shetty belajar magang di suatu perusahaan keuangan di London dan belajar di biara di Asram, Mumbai. Dari pengalaman itu Jay membandingkan kondisi mental yang ia rasakan setiap ia selesai menjalani proses magang maupun belajar di biara. Ia merasa lebih damai dan bahagia ketika pulang dari Asram, dan tidak demikian saat selesai menjalani program magang kerjanya. Di hari wisuda kelulusan kuliah, Jay memutuskan untuk tidak hadir dan memilih belajar lebih lanjut di biara hingga 3 tahun lamanya, yang mana keputusan ini ditentang oleh orangtuanya. Selesai belajar di biara, Shetty kembali ke London, dan mendapati banyak teman-temannya yang berkarir mengalami kondisi mental tertentu seperti stress, hampa, jenuh, hingga depresi. Shetty kemudian membantu mereka mengatasi problema-problema itu. Dan buku ini ditulis berdasarkan pengalaman hidup Jay Shetty tersebut.
Dalam buku yang menginspirasi dan memberdayakan ini, Shetty memanfaatkan waktunya sebagai biksu dalam tradisi Veda untuk menunjukkan kepada kita bagaimana kita dapat membersihkan penghalang jalan menuju potensi dan kekuatan kita. Dengan memanfaatkan kebijaksanaan kuno dan pengalamannya yang kaya di ashram, Think Like a Monk mengungkapkan bagaimana mengatasi pikiran dan kebiasaan negatif, dan mengakses ketenangan dan tujuan yang ada di dalam diri kita semua. Pelajaran yang dipelajari para biksu sangat dalam tetapi seringkali abstrak. Shetty mengubahnya menjadi nasihat dan latihan yang dapat kita terapkan untuk mengurangi stres, meningkatkan fokus, membangun hubungan, mengidentifikasi kemampuan tersembunyi kita, meningkatkan disiplin diri, dan memberikan hadiah yang kita temukan dalam diri kita kepada dunia. Shetty membuktikan bahwa setiap orang dapat dan harus berpikir seperti seorang biarawan.
Yuk kita intip daftar isinya
I Am What I Think I am
The Evil King Goes Hungry
Welcome to Hotel Earth
Blinded by th Gold
The Nature of the Scorpion
Location Has Energy; Time Has Memory
The Charioteer’s Dilemma
8. EGO
Catch Me If You Can
The World s Most Powerful Drug
People Watching
Plant Trees Under Whose Shade You Do Not Plan to Sit
Appendix: The Vedic Personality Test
Author s Note
Next Steps
Seputar Fisik Buku dan Disainnya
Kadang saya berpikir, perlukah saya mengulas disain sampul sebuah buku. Di satu sisi rasanya tak banyak yang bisa diopinikan dari sebuah disain cover, tapi di sisi lain menurut saya sebuah disain sampul nyatanya berpengaruh besar pada nilai estetika buku dan daya tarik pertamanya. Termasuk buku yang satu ini, dimana sampulnya sepenuhnya menonjolkan figur Jay Shetty yang memang sudah populer, berikut ada namanya yang dicetak dengan huruf besar. Dan buat mereka yang belum familiar dengan nama penulis, ada kalimat judul yang menggugah rasa penasaran.
Yang menarik dan atau disuka dari Buku ini
When I was eighteen years old, in my first year of college, at Cass Business School in London, one of my friends asked me to go with him to hear a monk give a talk.
I resisted. “Why would I want to go hear some monk?”
I often went to see CEOs, celebrities, and other successful people lecture on campus, but I had zero interest in a monk. I preferred to hear speakers who d actually accomplished things in life.
My friend persisted, and finally I said, “As long as we go to a bar afterward, I'm in. “Falling in love” is an expression used almost exclusively to describe romantic relationships. But that nights, as I listened to the monk talk about his experience, I fell in love. ..
Page ix
My first impression of the monk, whose name was Gauranga Das, was that he was doing something right, and later I would discover that science backs that up. In 2002, a Tibetan monk named Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche traveled from an area just outside Kathmandu, Nepal, to the University of Wisconsin-Madison so that researches could watch his brain activity while he meditated. The scientists covered the monk's head with a shower cap-like device (an EEG) that had more than 250 tiny wires sticking out of it, each with a sensor that a lab tech attached to his scalp. At the time of the study, the monk had accumulated sixty-two thousand hours of lifetime meditation practice.
The researchers said he had the brain of someone ten years younger.
Researches who scanned Buddhist monk Matthieu Richard’s brain subsequently labeled him “the World's Happiest Man” after they found the highest level of gamma waves – those associated with attention, memory, learning, and happiness - ...
Page x –xi
Why should we think like monks? If you wanted to know how to dominate the basketball court, you might turn to Michael Jordan; if you wanted to innovate, you might investigate Elon Musk; you might study Beyonce to learn how to perform. If you want to train your mind to find peace, calm and purpose? Monks are the experts. ..
Monks can withstand temptations, refrain from criticizing, deal with pain and anxiety, quiet with the ego, and build lives that brim with purpose and meaning. Why shouldn't we learn from the calmest, happiest, most purposeful people on earth? ...
Page xii
... I know monks who were in finance and in rock bands. They grow up in schools, towns, and cities just like you. You don't need to light candles in your home, walk around barefoot, or post photos of yourself doing tree pose on a mountain top. Becoming a monk is a mindset that anyone can adopt.
Page xii
Though we are developing intimacy with our fear, we want to see it as its own entity, separate from us. When we talk about our emotions, we usually say we are that emotion. I am angry. I am sad. I am afraid. Talking to our fear separates it from us and helps us understand that the fear is not us, it is just something we're experiencing. When you meet someone who gives off a negative vibe, you feel it, but you don't think that vibe is you. It's the same with our emotions – they are something we're feeling, but they are not us. Try shifting from I am angry to I feel angry, I feel sad, I feel afraid. ..
Page 55
Once you know the why behind the want, consider that work behind the want. What will it take to get the nice house and the fancy car? Are you interested in that work? Are you willing to do it? Will the work itself bring you a sense of fulfillment even if you don't succeed quickly – or ever? The monk who asked me why I wanted to learn all of the scripture by heart didn't want me to be mesmerized by the superpowers of other monks and to seek those powers out of vanity. He wanted to know if I was interested in the work – in the life I would live, the person I would be, the meaning I would find in the process of learning the scriptures. The focus is on the process, not the outcome.
Page 79
Gratitude also helps us overwelcome the bitterness and pain that we all carry with us. Try feeling jealous and grateful simultaneously. Hard to imagine, right? When you're present in gratitude, you can't be anywhere else. According to UCLA neuroscientist Alex Korb, we truly can't focus on positive and negative feelings at the same time ..
For years, researches have shown that gratitude plays a major role in overcoming real trauma. A study published in 2006 found that Vietnam War veterans with high levels of gratitude experienced lower rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). If you've been through a breakup, if you've lost a loved one – if anything has hit you hard emotionally- gratitude is the answer.
Page 207
I vividly remember my first day of monk school. I had just shaved my head but I wasn't wearing robes yet, and I still looked like I was from London. I noticed a child monk – he can't have been more than ten years old – teaching a group of five-year-olds. He had a great aura about him, the poise and confidence of an adult.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“We just taught their first class ever,”he said, then asked me, “What did you learn in your first day of school?’
“I started to learn the alphabet and numbers. What did they learn?”
“The first thing we teach them is how to breathe.”
“Why?” I asked.
“Because the only thing that stays with you from the moment you're born until the moment you die is your breath. All your friends, your family, the country you live in, all of that can change. The one thing that stays with you is your breath.”
Page vviii
By the time I was wrapping up my final year of college, I had decided what path I wanted to take. I told my parents I would be turning down the job offers that had come my way. I always joke that as far as my parents were concerned, I had three career options: doctor, lawyer, or failure. There's no better way to tell your parents that everything they did for you was a waste than to become a monk...
When you try to live your most authentic life, some of your relationship will be put in jeopardy. Losing them is a risk worth bearing; finding a way to keep them in your life is a challenge worth taking on.
Page 5
Gauranga Das offered me a beautiful metaphor to illustrate the external influences that obscure our true selves.
We are in a storeroom, lined with unused books and boxes full of artifacts. Unlike the rest of the ashram, which is always tidy and well swept, this place is dusty and draped in cobwebs. The senior monk leads me up to a mirror and says, "What can you see?"
Through the thick layer of dust, I can't even see my reflection. I say as much, and the monk nods. Then he wipes the arm of his rob across the glass. A cloud of dust puffs into my face, stinging my eyes and filling my throat.
He says, "Your identity is a mirror covered with dust. When you first look in the mirror, the truth of who you are and what you value is obscured. Clearing it may not be pleasant, but only when that dust is gone can you see your true reflection."
Page 7
Tentu saja ada banyak ajaran-ajaran biksu berikut kutipan kitab seperti Mahabharata di dalam buku ini, yang mana tak terhindarkan juga karena di sini penulis memang ingin menjelaskan isi pikiran seorang biksu.
The epic battle of Mahabharata is about to begin. The air is thick with anticipation: Thousands of warriors finger the hilts of their swords as their horses snort and paw at the ground. But our hero, Arjuna, is terrified. He has family and friends on either side of this battle, and many of them are about to die. Arjuna, among the fiercest fighters of the land, drop his bow.
Page 46
In 1902, the sociologist Charles Horton Cooley wrote: “I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.”
Let that blow your mind for a moment.
Page 3
Bad things do happen. In our lives, we're all victims at some point – whether we're being racially profiled or being cut off in traffic. But if we adopt a victim mentality, we're more likely to take on a sense of entitlement and to behave selfishly. Stanford psychologists took 104 subjects and assigned them to one of two groups – one told to write a short essay about a time they were bored, and the other write about a tie when life seemed unfair or ...
Page 23
A few decades ago, scientists conducted an experiment in the Arizona desert where they build “Biosphere 2” – a huge steel – and-glass enclosure with air that had been purified, clean water, nutrient-rick soil, and lots of natural light. It was meant to provide ideal living conditions for the flora and fauna within. And while it was successful in some ways, in one it was an absolute failure. Over and over, when trees inside the Biosphere grew to a certain height, they would simply fall over. At first, the phenomenon confused scientists. Finally, they realized that the Biosphere lacked a key element necessary to the tree’s health: wind. In a natural environment, trees are buffeted by wind. They respond to that pressure and agitation by growing stronger bark and deeper roots to increase their stability.
We waste a lot of time and energy trying to stay in the comfortable bubble of our self-made Biospheres. We fear the stresses and challenges of change, but those stressed and challenges are the wind that makes us ...
Page 50
Just as an inventor has to visualize an idea before building it, we can visualize the life we want, beginning by visualizing how we want our mornings to be.
After you do breath work to calm your mind, I want you to visualize your self as your best self. Visualize yourself waking up in the morning healthy, ...
Page 131
Siapa Jay Shetty
Jay Shetty lahir di London utara pada tahun 1987, Jay dan saudara perempuannya dibesarkan dalam keluarga kelas menengah India. Sampai usia 14, Jay berprestasi di sekolah, menghindari masalah dan mencoba yang terbaik untuk menjadi tumpuan harapan orang tuanya. Saat itu Shetty adalah anak muda yang pemalu dan introvert, yang diintimidasi karena kelebihan berat badan dan kutu buku. Ketika dia mulai sekolah menengah, banyak hal berubah. Shetty mulai bermain sepak bola dan rugby, menjadi lebih populer, dan mulai bergaul dengan teman-teman yang salah. Usaha Jay yang mencari sensasi membuatnya diskors dari sekolah lebih dari sekali saat dia mencoba untuk menemukan identitasnya.
Pada saat dia kuliah di Cass Business School di London pada tahun 2007, Jay telah memiliki rasa ingin tahu ke arah yang lebih produktif. Dia membaca otobiografi semua orang dari Malcolm X kepada David Beckham, terdorong untuk memahami akar kesuksesan dan membuat perbedaan di dunia. Namun, ketika seorang teman mengundangnya untuk mendengarkan seorang biksu memberikan ceramah, dia setuju pergi hanya jika temannya mau bergabung dengannya di klub sesudahnya. Malam itu, biksu Gauranga Das berbicara tentang prinsip pengorbanan diri. Dia berbicara tentang bagaimana orang harus menanam pohon di bawah naungan yang tidak mereka rencanakan untuk diduduki. Ini adalah momen transformatif untuk Jay. Biksu Gauranga mengatakan bahwa hal terhebat yang dapat seseorang lakukan dengan bakat dan keterampilannya adalah menggunakannya untuk melayani orang lain. Bagi Jay, ini adalah gagasan sukses yang sama sekali baru.
Sejak meluncurkan saluran videonya pada tahun 2016, Jay telah menghasilkan lebih dari 400 video yang mengumpulkan lebih dari 6,5 miliar tampilan dan memperoleh lebih dari 34 juta pengikut di seluruh dunia. Pada 2017, ia disebut oleh majalah Forbes 30-under-30 karena menjadi game changer di dunia media. Pada tahun 2018, ia memiliki video # 1 di Facebook dengan lebih dari 360 juta penayangan.
Di podcastnya, On Purpose, Jay melakukan wawancara selama satu jam dengan tamu inspiratif yang berbeda. Beberapa di antaranya termasuk Kobe Bryant, Jada Pinkett Smith, Russel Brand, Novak Djokovic, Khloe Kardashian, dan Ray Dalio. Setiap hari Jumat Jay memberikan bimbingannya sendiri tentang topik seperti penundaan, kepercayaan diri, atau pengambilan keputusan.
Podcast, diluncurkan pada 2019, menerima 52 juta unduhan audio di tahun pertama dan seterusnya sepuluh juta tampilan dalam video podcast. Itu memenangkan Penghargaan Shorty tahun itu untuk kategori Kesehatan dan Kebugaran. iTunes menamai On Purpose di Top New Podcast's tahun 2019 dan secara konsisten memeringkat Jay sebagai Podcast Kesehatan # 1. Spotify menamakan Jay Podcast # 1 di India.
Pesan Jay telah beresonansi dengan perusahaan seperti Google, L'Oreal, Facebook, Coca Cola, HSBC, EY, Microsoft dan Accenture, yang telah mengundangnya untuk memimpin seminar dan memberikan ceramah dalam menemukan tujuan di tempat kerja, kesejahteraan untuk masa depan, dan strategi media digital. Jay Shetty menjadi fenomena budaya sehingga ia bahkan diminta untuk menggambarkan versi dirinya di trailer "Bad Boys For Life" dengan Will Smith dan Martin Lawrence.
Tahun 2020 Jay Shetty menulis buku Think Like a Monk.
Simon & Schuster menerbitkan buku ini di AS dan Kanada, dan akan diterbitkan lebih banyak lagi di 30 negara di seluruh dunia. Jay tinggal di Los Angeles bersama istrinya, Radhi Devlukia Shetty, seorang ahli diet nabati danPenggemar pengobatan Ayurveda, yang dipersembahkan buku ini. Jay senang mendengarkan Drake digym dan suara alam saat bermeditasi. Shetty adalah penggemar Manchester United dan sangat mengagumi etos kerja dan determinasi Cristiano Ronaldo di lapangan. Jay dan Radhi suka makan direstoran nabati, mengunjungi spa, dan menghabiskan waktu di luar ruangan dengan bersepeda dan di ruang pelarian.
Sumber: Amazon. com
Buku ini saya rekomendasikan kepada para pecinta buku self improvement yang membahas kedamaian dan tujuan hidup yang dilihat dari pola pikir dan tingkah laku seorang biksu. Ada ilustrasi yang menarik di dalam buku ini. Banyak kajian ilmiah dan pengalaman hidup Jay Shetty yang dituangkan di dalam pemaparannya. Penjelasannya sistematis dan mudah dipahami serta tidak terasa menggurui.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- adalah sebuah media edukasi yang menginspirasi melalui beragam topik pengembangan diri, rekomendasi buku-buku, dan gaya hidup yang bervibrasi positif.
Diana Fitri, biasa dipanggil Dipi, adalah seorang ibu yang gemar berkebun, dan rutin berolahraga. Gaya hidup sehat dan bervibrasi positif adalah dua hal yang selalu ia upayakan dalam keseharian. Sambil mengasuh putra satu-satunya, ia juga tetap produktif dan berusaha berkembang secara kognitif, sosial, mental dan spiritual.
Lulusan prodi Pemuliaan Tanaman Universitas Padjadjaran, Dipi lalu melanjutkan studi ke magister konsentrasi Pemasaran, namun pekerjaannya justru banyak berada di bidang edukasi, di antaranya guru di Sekolah Tunas Unggul, sekolah kandidat untuk International Baccalaureate (IB), dan kepala bagian Kemahasiswaan di Universitas Indonesia Membangun. Setelah resign tahun 2016, Dipi membangun personal brand Dipidiff hingga saat ini.
Sebagai Certified BNSP Public Speaker dan Certified BNSP Trainer, serta certified IALC coach, Dipi diundang oleh berbagai komunitas dan Lembaga Pendidikan untuk berbagi topik membaca, menulis, mereviu buku, public speaking, dan pengembangan diri, misalnya di Kementrian Keuangan, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, BREED, Woman Urban Book Club, Lions Clubs, Bandung Independent School, The Lady Book Club, Buku, SMAN 24 Bandung, SMAN 22 Bandung, dan lain-lain. Dipi juga pemateri rutin di platform edukasi . Dipi meng-coaching-mentoring beberapa remaja dan dewasa di Growth Tracker Program, ini adalah program pribadi, yang membantu (terutama) remaja dan dewasa muda untuk menemukan passion dan mengeluarkan potensi mereka.
Berstatus bookblogger, reviu-reviu buku yang ia tulis selalu menempati entry teratas di halaman pertama mesin pencari Google, menyajikan ulasan terbaik untuk ribuan pembaca setia. Saat ini Dipi adalah brand ambassador untuk Periplus Bandung dan berafiliasi dengan Periplus Indonesia di beberapa event literasi. Dipi juga menjadi Official Reviewer untuk Republika Penerbit dan berpartner resmi dengan MCL Publisher. Kolaborasi buku-bukunya, antara lain dengan One Peach Media, Hanum Salsabiela Rais Management, KPG, Penerbit Pop, Penerbit Renebook, dan Penerbit Serambi. Reviu buku Dipi bisa dijumpai di maupun Instagram @dipidiffofficial. Dipi host di program buku di NBS Radio. Dulu sempat menikmati masa dimana menulis drop script acara Indonesia Kemarin di B Radio bersama penyiar kondang Sofia Rubianto (Nata Nadia). Podcast Dipi bisa diakses di Spotify DipidiffTalks.
Let's encourage each other to shape a better future through education and book recommendation.
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